◉ Saturday 18h: Another improv in English session!🇺🇸🇬🇧
We will mainly focus on the basics of improv in English.❤️
Held by Emma & Tim💪🏻
◉ We will meet at 18h in the U82 of the KSHG. Wegbeschreibungen: https://muenster.freiundimprovisiert.de/der-weg-zur-kshg/
◉ Improv in English:
Here we will play a variety of familiar short form games – just this time in English. 🙃 We will avoid German and use emotions and pantomime to fill the gaps. People of all levels (both in improv and in English) are welcome. 🤌🏻
And as always in improv: Dare to fail!🇮🇪🇦🇺
◉ 📬 For the training on Saturday there are 9 spots, write tim@freiundimprovisiert.de to sign up!🫱🏻🫲🏻🫶🏻